Thursday, April 21, 2011

Like a rose, trampled on the ground.....

When I saw today's papers, I found out that a prominent religious figure was dying. A thought quickly came to my mind. Every religious figure ever, irrespective of religion has died, and remained in the grave except for one, Jesus Christ.

Who is this Jesus anyway? Was He just a man? Was He really what He claimed to be, the Son of God; the Messiah? Can anything good come lout of Nazereth? Well, these are questions we can never answer with solid evidence to those who do not believe.

“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost”
       (II Corinthians 4:3)

Even if anyone does not believe in Jesus Christ, no one can deny that this man has been the most influential man ever in the history of mankind. From a small number of 1200 believers, there is now an outstanding 2.1 BILLION believers in the world! We have to also remember that all the religions of that time, the Greek and Roman religions and so on have ceased to exist. Furthermore, the years are also counted in terms called B.C, which stands for before Christ and A.D (Anno Domini), which means the Year of Our Lord. 

That day as I was browsing through the papers, I saw an article about a man who raised from the dead after a few hours. The doctors called this phenomenon the Lazarus Syndrome. Of course these medical phenomenons or syndromes would be called after the first person who contracted it or described it. Therefore, these people must have believed that the story of the resurrection of Lazarus must be true. Who was the person who raised him back from the dead? He was no one other that Jesus Christ.

On top of that, have we wondered why we have public holidays on Sundays, instead of Fridays in most parts of the world and even in Malaysia? It is in honour of the Sabbath day. What about the best selling book of all time? It is also the Bible which sold more than 6 BILLION copies, which outsells the second best selling book, The Quotations of Chairman Mao by 5.1 billion copies!

Plus, have we actually observed and made a hypothesis on the most widely seen symbol on earth today? It is also the cross, which actually was a reminder on how Christ died for our sins on the Cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. Sadly, people wear it for the sake of fashion, not knowing the meaning behind it. In fact, we should remember that the cross was not something which was beautiful. It was just a wooden cross which criminals died on in the past. This has led to many people believing that the cross has mysterious and magical powers instead of the Christ who died on it for the sake of reuniting us sinners to a Holy God.

Coming back to the point here, the only religious figure who has died and resurrected was Jesus Christ. None others who claimed to be prophets, Gods, avatars, deities, or even those who are worshiped not by their own will have died, and remained in the grave. 

Yes, Christ died on this day 2000 years ago. On that day, the devil thought that he has won the battle against God. However on the third day, Jesus rose again by the power of God. The devil must have almost gotten crazy on that day. 

I hope that all of us will remember this day, Good Friday as a time to reflect on our lives, for every time we sin, we are like one of those people who shouted for Jesus to be crucified, one of those who pierced Him with those nails, one of those who whipped Him and one of those who mocked Him while He was on the cross. 

I always remember this song, How Deep The Father's Love when I think about ow Christ died for our sake on the painful and bitter cross. 1 line of that song really strikes me. "Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer". Why? Why did Christ, who is God have to die for sinners like us? Why did God Himself have to be a curse on our behalf to remove our curses pronounced by the Law? Why did the Creator have to suffer for the sake of His Creation? Do we even appreciate Him for that? Sometimes, we take His forgiveness for granted that we sin more and more, thinking that our sins have already been forgiven. 

Romans 6:1-2
What shall we say, then? Should we continue to live in sin so that God's grace will increase? Certainly not! We have died to sin---how then can we go on living in it? 

Since we remember what Christ had done for us on the Cross of Calvary, we should always give thanks to Him, promising to serve Him all our days. It is only fair for Christ that after all He has done for us, we surrender our lives to His command, for we have been redeemed and bought with a price. We are now slaves of Christ. In fact, it is still not fair for Him, for nothing can repay the  love Christ has for us. 

Ephesians 3:17b-19a
I pray that you may have your roots and foundation in love,   so that you, together with all God's people, may have the power to understand how broad and long, how high and deep, is Christ's love. Yes, may you come to know his love---although it can never be fully known. 
This also reminds me of the question Uncle Herbie asked us in the Jeremiah School 2011 page that day. 

"Are you still willing to drink the cup if following Jesus means being misunderstood by your loved ones, being made fun of by your friends, being let down by fellow believers, being abused emotionally by your leaders, being discriminated against by your fellow countrymen, being short-changed by your government, being unsure of your future, .... would you still drink the cup if it means pain, suffering, even death on the cross?"

Theoretically, every good Christian will answer yes. However when the time comes, who can be sure that his or her answer will still be yes? My prayer would be that after all Christ has done for me, I will be willing to choose the path of martyrdom which people like Paul and Stephen chose. I hope that when the day of persecution comes, I will be able to say out loud that I AM A CHRISTIAN!! Even Peter, the leader of the apostles denied Christ 3 times after Christ was captured. I am not saying that Peter has no faith or whatsoever. He was the only one who recognised Jesus as the Messiah. I am trying to say that we can talk all we want, but the real test comes when the day of persecution comes because it is not easy to leave everything and sacrifice our very own lives. Talk is cheap, as I like to say. 

Therefore, let us reflect on our lives on this day, which Christ laid down His life for all us sinners so that we would not have to suffer damnation. Let us remember that every time we sin, we are piercing Christ's hands and feet to the cross with nails. 

3 nails + 1 cross = 4giveness........

As Easter Sunday draws near, I hope that we would not get too carried away with all the trash like Easter Bunnies, Easter eggs, Easter presentations etc etc... Let us watch this video as we meditate on the lyrics of this song, We Are The Reason. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011


"Break my heart for what breaks Yours"

As I remembered the words to the song Hosanna by Hillsong, this phrase jumped to my mind when I was reading through some articles about Lady Gaga and her influence. I know this breaks God's heart to see His people whom He created being influenced by such evil. I felt sad feeling that after so much God has done for mankind (we cannot imagine the suffering Jesus had to go through to die on the cross for us). He, as God brought Himself down to our level to become a curse on our behalf. Why should He do this? We are just worthless sinners who only deserve hell. However, His grace, mercy and love has given us the gift of heaven, a hope which no one can experience other than those in Him.

That is besides the point here. I feel sad and angry at the same time knowing that there are even Christians idolizing Lady Gaga with all her occultic symbolismes involved. In her newest song, it was so obvious that it is occultic, even with its title alone, Judas. When I saw someone post this song on facebook for the first time, I was like, "WHAT THE CRAP!!!". I went on to listen to the song while observing closely the lyrics. These are the lyrics.

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas GaGa
Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas GaGa

[Lady Gaga - Verse 1]
When he comes to me, I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times, he betrays me

I'll bring him down, bring him down, down
A king with no crown, king with no crown

I'm just a horny fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a horny fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas GaGa

[Lady Gaga - Verse 2]
I couldn't love a man so purely
Even darkness forgave his crooked way
I've learned love is like a brick, you can
Build a house or sink a dead body
I'll bring him down, bring him down, down
A king with no crown, king with no crown

I'm just a horny fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm just a horny fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

In the most Biblical sense,
I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense
I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offensed,
Or wear ear condom next time

I wanna love you,
But something's pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to

I'm just a horny fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a horny fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas GAGA
Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas GAGA

I'm not that sure what every line of this song is talking about but I roughly know the message behind this evil song. This song is supposed to be sung from Mary Magdalene's perspective. Gaga is implying that Mary Magdalene loves Judas and is betraying Jesus for him. If I'm not mistaken, the Da Vinci Code has conned many into believing that Mary Magdalene married Jesus. This is a total pile to trash, rubbish, bullshit etc etc. JESUS DID NOT MARRY!! If we use even the simplest of our logic, how could God marry a human being? That is also besides the point here.

In the first verse, she is implying that Mary Magdalene was jus acting to love Jesus, but she actually loved Judas. She is also trying to say that Jesus is a liar (WHAT BLASPHEMY!) and saying that Jesus has betrayed Mary Magdalene 3 times. I don't know where Gaga got that pile of trash from. I don't even know what she is trying to imply, but I know it has something to do with Peter denying Jesus 3 times. Then she moves on to say that she will bring Jesus down (stupidest thing she could thing of doing. We can never go against God and prosper after that). She then goes on to call Jesus a king with no crown. Even in the 1st verse, how much blesphemy can we see about Jesus? Even reading the first verse boils my blood to know that there are already 400000++ views on this song in youtube.

She then sings the chorus which blurts out publicly that she is in love with Judas instead of Jesus. She loved him because of his cruelty of betraying Jesus. But for all we know,

"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
   so are my ways higher than your ways
   and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Isaiah 55:9

it was God's plan for it to happen. The devil was initially happy that Jesus had died on the Cross of Calvary but on the 3rd day, he rose again to bring salvation to all who believed in Him. He sat at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. He rose again victorious, triumphing over death. The devil must have gone insane when it knew that Jesus rose again. Glory be To God!! It was Judas who finally hung himself, resulting in a terrible (or should we say disgusting) death as said in Acts 1:18. She is actually being so foolish ( I know Matthew 5:22, but there is no other word to describe her ). She chose Judas, whom we are not even sure has salvation, over Jesus Christ, the Rock of our Salvation. I assure you, Judas was an apostle. After he betrayed Jesus, he himself felt so guilty, resulting in his suicide. Why would she praise the actions of Judas??? Another stupid choice.

I don't really know what the 2nd verse is talking about. But I think that it is referring to her love for Judas again. She is saying that she never loved a man so purely like she loves Judas. Although he commited a terrible sin, but DARKNESS forgave him because in the eyes of darkness, which is Satan, he is doing a wonderful thing. How can darkness forgive sins? We believe that only Jesus can forgive our sins.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I don't exactly know also what the 1st part of the bridge is talking about. It is quite obvious that it is Satanic, for she is placing priority on our culture which is filled with sin over the Bible. In the 2nd part, she says the she wants to love Jesus, but Judas (which maybe is now referring to Satan) is pulling her away for Jesus. She chooses Judas (Satan) in the end. She is probably saying that Jesus is more of a moral example for her, but she wants to stay with Judas, which is the DEMON she clings on to.

How much more Satanic can an 'innocent' song like this be? I am very sad that many people are falling into this trap of Satanic music. We hear her music everywhere: In malls, on the radio etc etc. We have to pray hard that God will move His mighty hand and protect His children for this influence of Satanic works in pop culture.

It really breaks my heart to think about this fact that more and more people are going to end up in hell due to these music. They might even be our loved ones, our sisters, brothers, BFFs, our friends etc. I hope that we, as Christians will take a stand against Lady Gaga's music. Let us pray fervently that by the grace of God, she will not be able to influence the young people anymore. Let us not be blinded by evil.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jeremiah School : Written On My Heart

About 2 months has passed since JS ended. However, I still reminisce the times we had together during this time, where I felt something I never experienced before in my life. Suddenly felt like blogging about it. It only lasted for 2 months, but the memories there will surely last for a lifetime. This is my story......

At first, I was very reluctant to go for JS as I thought that the people there were 'bible freaks' who would stone me to death for every single mistake I did while I was there. I felt very scared with the idea of going there alone with no one I knew at all. It was only during Youthquake 2010 that I realised that some people I knew were going too. I actually felt a little bit relieved when I knew that Titus was going too. However, that did not change my perception about JS because I have had a high regard for Titus' spirituality when I saw him lead in bible study about 3-4 years ago. The other people I knew that were going too were Ian (who was in the same devotion group with me during Youthquake), Zhi Wei (whom I only knew as Bathsheba), Joanna (who was in the same devotional group with me during YLDP 2008) and Eric (who was in the same team building group as me during YLDP 2008). I always thought that someone from Penang Wesley or Penang Trinity would come. Sadly, Joella could not make it too.

On the 3rd or January, I stayed in Titus' house for a night before going to Seremban by bus the next morning. As Daniel, Titus' brother was telling us some of his experiences in JS, I became more and more cuious about it. Like all Jeremiah School alumni like to say, "You go then you know-lah..". I was still sceptical about going as I had no idea at all what would await me there. However, I went with an expectant heart since I had no choice, but to go. That night, I met Jeremiah, whom I did not meet before. He looked serious on the first meeting. It was soon that I realised that he was just the total opposite.

I woke up early the next morning, about 4.30 am. I was both excited and nervous at the same time, as I thought that I was an introvert, not being able to make friends easily. I just hopped onto the bus, trying to sleep all journey, till it became too cold. The bus conductor was also another joker, making Titus, Jay and I wanna whack him properly. Haha.. Lets not elaborate on that. XD

We reached Seremban about 7.00 pm, where Sieh Jin was waiting for us. We then met Joshua and James. Initially, I thought that James was also an extrovert, bombing him with lots of questions and jokes. He did not respond well. We thought that he was just probably shy, continuing to make things worst by our lame jokes. Hahaha.. We then went for dinner before reaching Golden Sands Baptist Center about 8.30 pm. Everyone was looking at us when we arrived. Joshua was wearing the right T-shirt for the occasion. It said, "Sorry, I'm Late". Hahaha..

After we were briefed, we were put into our groups. Together with me in my group was John, Su Ee, Beatrice and Eva. I still remember the time when I did not know how to pronounce Beatrice's name, calling her Batteries.. Hahaha.. During breakfast the next morning when Cindel told me her name, I heard Seatbelt. Hahaha.. This shows how bad I am with names.. ^^ There was once, I think on the third day, when I called Denise, Rachael. Hahaha.. I got confused with the names.

Obviously, there is too much to say here. I just want to say that all these memories will be written on my heart for the rest of my life. All of you will be written on my hearts too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In His Hands....

I went for my JPA interview yesterday. I was quite nervous in the beginning, but i told myself that if its God's will for me to get it, I will get it no matter what and if it is His will for me not to get it, no matter what, I will not be able to get it. I felt much relieved after convincing myself of that. I just went with a calm heart, thanks be to God.

 If you did not know, I only verified my certificates and documents that exact morning. I was so pressured and stressed out as of all mornings, the school had to have sukan tara on that morning itself. All the teachers were busy with their field duties. I was very afraid that I might not get it done in time. So as I was waiting, I just opened my bible and read through, not expecting anyone else to come and verity their certificates at the eleventh hour. Suddenly, Yumesh came. I was pleasantly surprised. We later went for a meal at Pelita Nasi Kandar in Desa Damai after knowing that the sukan tara would end at 10:30 am. I was again quite worried as I haven't done my last minute preparations including ironing the clothes I would be wearing.

After getting it done, I just rushed home to do my quiet time (at last).. Then, I just got myself ready and prepared to go. As I was waiting for Chandra aka Candi to come pick me up, I just played my CabalSEA to keep my mind off the interview for a few moments. When he arrived, I just jumped into the car and asked him to check my clear holder, to check whether I lacked anything. Thankfully, nothing lacked. We just concentrated on the questions they might ask later on in the interview.

When we arrived, I was literally soaked due to the humid weather (there was not even a fan in the waiting hall.. zzzzzz). We met a pleasant girl from Parit Buntar who scored 9A+ and 1A-!!! I was lik WOW when she told me her results. Although slightly discouraged as she was in the same panel, the feeling soon went away when I found out that she was also a Methodist.. Haha.. Unbelievably, Kah Khen was in the same panel as me, too. This helped me be more confident as I knew 2 persons from our panel.

When we entered, I was amazed by the interviewer's command in English. He was a young Malay guy with a DOCTORATE IN ENGINEERING!!! As the interview proceeded, I volunteered to introduce myself. I was fairly confident as the question was to be answered in English.. XD When the next question in BM came, I was at a loss for words. I spoke last. However, God helped me by making the situation to my advantage. The question was, "Pada pendapat anda, mengapakah kes-kes bunuh diri yang melibatkan kanak-kanak dan remaja semakin meningkat dewasa ini?" I was speechless..........

One by one spoke with confidence. However, I realised that all of them started with the phrase 'pada pendapat saya'. I just thought, "Why not be different"?? I started by saying,"Puncanya sering diketepikan oleh orang ramai. Namun begitu, kita haruslah menyiasat perkara ini ke akar umbinya agar jalan penyelesaian yang efektif dapat dijumpai". "Dewasa ini, kita terlalu sibuk mengejar kebendaan materialistik, justeru memaksa anak-anak bangsa kita untuk berjaya dalam semua bidang, bukan sahaja, akademik, tetapi juga dalam kokurikulum dan lain-lain. Kita tidak memahami tekanan atau stress yang dihadapi oleh anak-anak kita. Ibu bapa juga kian melupakan salah satu elemen yang penting dalam kehidupan kita kerana terlalu menekankan benda-benda ini, iaitu kehadiran Tuhan yang Maha Esa di dalam hidup kita. Oleh itu, kanak-kanak dan remaja yang terlalu stress dengan hal-hal ini tidak dapat melihat harapan yang ada pada hari-hari yang akan datang.Akibatnya, mereka membunuh diri kerana berfikir bahawa tiada harapan lagi dalam kehidupan mereka." By God's help, I realised that the iterviewers were quite happy with my answer. The rest of the interview went on  very smoothly. Thank God!!! 

As we left the hall, there was a guy from Chung Ling High School who asked many questions regarding his studies if he did not manage to get this scholarship. 1 of the interviewers told him right in his face, telling him ot to worry, God is in control of everything. "Semua di dalam tangan Tuhan". I was even further encouraged with the thought that my statement in the 1st question impacted them so much. All glory be to God..
On the way back, as I was thinking to myself, it is true tat without God's presence in our lives, there will be an emptiness. I was once like that. I looked for satisfaction in various things, including friends, vanity, online games etc etc. These things never gave me pure satisfaction in my life. After awhile, these things would seem so boring. My life, if not for my studies and friends would be utterly meaningless.. Till God came into my life, I have not felt so much meaning in my life. This is the case for many youths today.. They feel that life is so meaningless, often looking for satisfaction in drinking, drugs, etc etc. They will never have true satisfaction. There will be a time in their lives where they would enter a state of despair and depression, causing them to take their own lives. However with God in my life, I wake up with another reason to live everyday. There will be a hope that shines towards me everyday in my life. Even when things get terrible, God is still there with us, offering us hope.

"Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5b"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Heyy everyone.. This is my new video.. Please do comment, like and subscribe.. XD

Monday, April 4, 2011

Was browsing through my list of songs when I found this beautiful song by Ana Laura.. Its called Completely, from the soundtrack of Facing The Giants I think.. XD
The first line itself caught my attention.. The secret of life is letting go... How many of us can actually say that? We have too much distractions in our lives, often ignoring the call of our heavenly papa.  When we talk about this, it always reminds me of the letter from God we got during The Journey, telling us how much He longs for us to just spend time with Him....

These are the lyrics to the song.. XD

The secret of life is letting go
The secret of love is letting it show
In all that i do
In all that i say
Right here in this moment

The power of prayer is in a humble cry
The power of change is in giving my life
I’m laying it down
Down at your feet
Right here in this moment

Take my heart
Take my soul
I surrender everything to your control
And let all this is within me lift up to you and say
I am yours and yours alone

The journey of life is a search for truth
This journey of faith is following you
Every step of the way
Through the joy and the pain
Right here in this moment

Right here, right now, and for the rest of my life
Hear me say

I am yours and yours alone

After a long break from blogging.....

What am I to say now?? Nothing much, really except that MY DAD GOT ME A NEW LAPTOP!!! XDDD
I got it about a week ago, after I got my SPM results.. I was kinda preoccupied with it, transferring stuff from my old computers to it, downloading new games (which my PC couldn't support before this XD) etc..
My mom complained much about initially, as it was white in colour.. You know... Moms..... She was totally afraid that it would get dirty etc.. Haha.. 

Apart from that, quiet time has been really tough for me. I am currently doing the book of Galatians. My dad told me that it was a simple and straight forward book.. Yea right... There were things which were like, 'What the crap does it mean' to me.. Haha.. No one seems to be able to decipher what it means, including commentaries. A good example would be Galatians 2:19 - For through the Law I died to the Law, so that I might live to God.
My dad keeps telling me that I should just accept things the way they are, without going too deep. What can I do about it? My mind is already wired that way. *Sighs* What can I do? I just need to continue praying for answers, because I believe that a strong ground in my doctrine is the only key to my unshakable faith in Christ. Many people keep saying that I have no faith by asking such questions about the Bible *bla bla bla* They insist that I should just accept things the way they are by faith. I can accept it by faith, but my understanding about these so called theological or doctrinal stuff actually strengthens my faith in Christ. The writings of Paul themselves show solid evidence, with logical arguments of our very own faith. We often do not know what we actually believe in; why do we actually follow these practices and believe in these things? If we have a solid foundation in the word, these questions will never be able to shake our faith. I say these things from experience. Even strong Christians can be shaken with this question, "What if God does not exist? Does it mean that all these things I have done all this while has been in vain?" My answer would be again, to know the doctrine of the existence of God. Currently in Galatians, the main point of this epistle is to combat the false teachings of Judaizers who insist that we need to obey the Mozaic law to be saved, apart from having faith in Christ. They're arguments are indeed very convincing. However, if we know the Word well, just as Paul was, our faith will never be shaken by anything, even though our life is at stake, for we know that we are serving a living God who loves us and cares for us. 

Lets sway from the long (boring) topic of doctrine.. Haha.. Hopefully, I will be uploading a new video on YOUTUBE tomorrow. Its a crazy mash-up of Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars, Hey Soul Sister by Train, Don't Stop Believing by Journey (Glee) and Everytime by Britney Spears. I know the last song is kinda outdated. But I really lurve that song very much. I hope you will enjoy it. 

By the way, I STILL MISS JS VERY MUCH!!! I know that its time for us to move on with life, answer God's calling into whatever He has called us into etc. However, I still miss the fun we had, savouring God's love everyday, spending time with each other, annoying each other with our individual antics, eating ice cream bought from the guy on the motorbike, laughing our hearts out etc. These memories still linger in my mind, while the sound of us laughing and talking still rings in my ears. Its really hard not being able to keep in touch with you people often as some of you have moved on to college, some of you are busy etc. Even for myself, I find myself being preoccupied with my own stuff that I do not talk to a single JS friend for a few days in a row. Tears still threaten to escape my eyes everytime I reminisce the times we had together, face stuffing, eating biscuits coated with sugar, talking crap all day long. It will indeed be something I will always look back to, no matter where I go. Sad to say, we may have to part ways very soon. Even for now, after a mere month after JS, there are those whom we have lost contact with totally. What happened along the way????

Did you wonder why I said that we may have to part ways very soon? I have applied for many many scholarships. In my JPA application, I applied for a German engineering scholarship. In my Astro scholarship application, I listed down my choices in US and UK. If its God's will for me to attain the scholarship, the oceans which set us apart will surely take a toll on our relationships, even with my school friends, church friends etc. I am thankful that there is something called FACEBOOK nowadays.. Haha.. Hope to keep in touch with every single one of my friends wherever I am. For Joshua Lim, I will always remember my promise to be your wedding pianist. For Cindel and Joel, I will remember what I promised you, to be your ..................XD.. 

I could write all day if I wanted to. But I have to remember that this is just a blog.. Haha..
God willing, there will surely be another post sometime soon.. 